Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Isn't This Nice


If you don't like what I do here you're free to not visit, I just wanted to keep everyone updated on why I'm not posting at the moment, it may be time to shut it down, I'm not making money from this, it actually costs me for file storage. I just do it to share music with you all.


  1. Anonymous, maybe you're just a piece of shit.

  2. Maybe block or ban from making comments? Always a killjoy trying to ruin things for everyone else. Hang in there. Don't let it get you down. Take care of you. Cheers!

  3. Scott1669
    Don't take an Anonymous human's words. That is the reason they are Anonymous. Sheer stupidity is taking the world by storm. We will be gone like the Dinosaurs in a hundred years.

  4. Pay no attention to such comments. Perhaps it's writer’s life is not going well and he/she needs to vent. In any case, thank you for your kindnesses and please get well soon.

  5. I agree with all the other comments above. This is your blog, you post what you like. I be reading it.

  6. Hang in there Jud, that jerk hasn't even got the guts to put his name to the adverse pathetic coment

  7. A-Holes can be found everywhere

    Keep On Buddy

    Best JB

  8. Don't worry about, it's not your fault! Put it only in the waste and forget it! This is your site and you can post and write whatever you want! If you're telling for example, what is happening to you, we have a part with your soul with you and I wish you should stay safe and also getting back to better health and a better constitution! And also, if you like to post some music, it is also welcome to us and also only your decision!
    The bilble tells us: "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks!" This is normal for us as humans. But the bible includes too: "The heart of the righteous one meditates before answering, but the mouth of the wicked blurts out bad things." (Proverbs 15:28)
    All the best and have a good time!

  9. Oh gosh, he threatened not to visit your blog anymore! Don't let the screen door hit you...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with all the good people who are voicing their support for you and this blog. My previous post (now deleted) was worded ambiguously.

  11. Can't believe what he said remove him or her simple as that

  12. Well, Jud. I think the verdict is overwhelming in support of you by all the comments. Don't you dare go nowhere this is your online home. Never let another person's weakness determine your strength.
    Forget the negative energy that person attempted to put up on you. Instead, focus on the positive - well wishes and energy people are sending your way. I pray for your health, that you become strong and well again.

  13. Thank you everyone for your support, I want to get back to posting as soon as I can, I have a dentist appointment the 20th and hope to get that issue resolved. It may be early September before I start posting again, thank you all so very much.

  14. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. We very much appreciate your efforts. Be well.

  15. I dunno what the heck is the matter with people. You are very much appreciated, Jud. Take care of whatever needs taking care of, and those of us who appreciate you so will be here when you get back

  16. Mr. Jud, you owe nobody your labors, content, or explanations. Your openness and generosity set you apart from other bloggers merely posting content. And that consideration and kindness has won you a small fan base and the odd malcontent. I even said a while back when you had no new content to post, you might write of what draws you to the music you post or write what's on your mind-good and bad. Anonymous was just here for content and mistook the music for the man behind it. Don't let it get you down, but if you stop, I understand. Take care..

  17. I'm with the majority Judd. We thankyou for taking the time to share your music with us, and get better soon. Cheers mate, Alan

  18. I agree with those that see this simpering twerp as a nuisance and nothing more. Most of us appreciate your time and effort in bringing music to others. Ignore the naysayers, for they are many in this world. Those who show generosity through sharing and caring, much more rare! Thank you for all that you do!

  19. REMOVE HIM the likes of him ain't wanted on here

  20. Wow, the ignorance of some people amaze me.

  21. Best wishes and greetings to you!!!!!

  22. I want to add to the sentiments expressed by others. It's great hearing the music you post and hearing about your life when you want/need to share.
